The Evolution of Goods-to-Person: How Mobile Robotics Revolutionized Order Fulfillment

The traditional goods-to-person order fulfillment model has often been described as the future of warehouse automation, but for many, it has seemed out of reach. The significant amount of time and money typically required to implement the model has always been a big hurdle. Today, fixed solutions are even riskier given the dynamic nature of e-commerce. It has necessitated a distribution model that can easily adapt in order to deliver on customer demands for immediate satisfaction. It was just a matter of time before technological advances would lead to a solution. Now autonomous mobile robotics systems have evolved to make the goods-to-person picking system an affordable, practical reality.

inVia Robotics’ “The Evolution of Goods-to-Person” provides a detailed exploration of: the warehouse automation models available today; the key factors driving adoption of new, economical solutions; and how advances in mobile robotics and automation are transforming ROI.

Highlights include:

-How we moved from a traditional, fixed goods-to-person model, to an augmented person-to-goods model, to today’s cost-effective, adaptable goods-to-person solution that can deliver positive ROI in days

-The effects of skyrocketing e-commerce sales and increased customer demands for fast, free shipping

-A detailed examination of the efficiency levels and costs associated with various order fulfillment methods compared to an autonomous, mobile goods-to-person solution

This information will arm you with a better understanding of warehouse automation options, and show you how the benefits of robotics can be accessible and affordable for your operations. Access: “The Evolution of Goods-to-Person” white paper here.